This post was inspired by an incident with a client that had sub-contracted Oracle to create Oracle Linux images in support of a 30+ million subscriber application. The Oracle engineers created (and defended) building out systems with a default storage layout of everything in slash (/).
For a desktop or workstation scenarios, everything in slash (/) is fine. But, I’d still argue in favor of a well thought out portioning layout.
For corporate images such as DEV / Test / Training / PROD ENVs: Always use sound partitioning for administrative control and system stability — as we’ll explain in the following sections.
Although the example that follows is demonstrated using a Linux system, the concepts explained are agnostic – and can be used regardless of OS, volume manager, file system type or underlying hardware. The aforementioned application images that Oracle built, were created on a laptop using Oracle VM VirtualBox and deployed to production.
Use xfs and ext4 for maximum performance. ext4 has an advantage over ext3 like multi-block, delayed allocation etc.
File systems mount points should be owned by root, with a sub directory created for (and owned by) the project.
Keep system disk size at a sound minimum with room to grow for upgrades and patches.
slash (/): ‘If’ you planned your image build correctly, the disk group, number of partitions, partition / file system, sizes should be static. The less you touch prod, the better.
/var: Keep logging partition separate, you don’t want slash (/) at 100% in production.
/usr, /tmp, /home: Also on separate partitions. Again, we don’t want to take the system, app or dB down, cause corruption.
/opt: Separate, for vendor. (3rd party). If the application writes logs, either configure ti to point to /var or a separate logging partition.
This is a storage layout example for a corporate image for RHEL (7.x, 8.x, 9.x) flavors using LVM / EXT:
~]# vgs
VG #PV #LV #SN Attr VSize VFree
vg00 1 9 0 wz--n- <49.00g <4.00g
vgapp01 1 5 0 wz--n- <99.00g <49.00g
~]# lsblk
sda 8:0 0 50G 0 disk
+-sda1 8:1 0 1G 0 part /boot
+-sda2 8:2 0 49G 0 part
+-vg00-root 253:0 0 2G 0 lvm /
+-vg00-swap 253:1 0 4G 0 lvm [SWAP]
+-vg00-usr 253:2 0 6G 0 lvm /usr
+-vg00-var 253:3 0 6G 0 lvm /var
+-vg00-opt 253:4 0 6G 0 lvm /opt
+-vgapp01-opt-hds 253:5 0 8G 0 lvm /opt/hds
+-vgapp01-opt-intel 253:6 0 30G 0 lvm /opt/intel
+-vgapp01-var-log-hds 253:7 0 2G 0 lvm /var/log/hds
+-vgapp01-rpms 253:8 0 10G 0 lvm /rpms
+-vgapp01-var-opt-OV 253:9 0 1G 0 lvm /var/opt/OV
~]# df -k
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
devtmpfs 16342752 0 16342752 0% /dev
tmpfs 16360596 0 16360596 0% /dev/shm
tmpfs 16360596 33592 16327004 1% /run
tmpfs 16360596 0 16360596 0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/mapper/vg00-root 1992552 686604 1184708 37% /
/dev/mapper/vg00-usr 6102624 3255396 2516272 57% /usr
tmpfs 4194304 7144 4187160 1% /tmp
/dev/sda1 996780 220968 707000 24% /boot
/dev/mapper/vg00-opt 6119008 3112652 2717348 54% /opt
/dev/mapper/vgapp01-rpms 10218772 472 9677628 1% /rpms
/dev/mapper/vg00-var 6110816 785540 5015296 14% /var
/dev/mapper/vg00-var-log-hds 1992552 24 1871288 1% /var/log/hds
/dev/mapper/vgapp01-opt-hds 8154588 24 7718752 1% /opt/hds
/dev/mapper/vgapp01-opt-intel 30787492 23853820 5344424 82% /opt/intel
/dev/mapper/vgapp01-var-opt-OV 996780 166752 761216 18% /var/opt/OV
For large 3rd party applications like WebSphere or Intel oneAPI, install on separate partitions.
For example. the Intel compiler product is far too big to mix with other /opt APPs. Create a logical volume and file system separate from /opt:
VG: vgapp01 LV: intel FS: /opt/intel
Or, if the developer team requires 10 versions of Java (for dev/test), create a /usr/java, or /java and sym link to /usr/java
Keep database partitions and filesystems separate from your system disk and other applications.
An example layout for Oracle:
File system sizing:
- Oracle home: Oracle home, directory where Oracle products are installed: /ora01 ~15GB
- Oracle datafiles: For our particular application, file system sizing typically depends on the number of environments: /ora[##] We use a formula 0.8 GB per runtime environment.
- Archive and Redo LOGs: /ora-redo*:
- Oracle tablespaces: 5GB for System, Temp, Undo.
- Oracle export files: /ora97: 10GB (or ideally, about 1/3 of the data files sizes).
- Hot/Cold backups: /ora98: 10GB
- Oracle archive files: /ora99: 10GB
File system mount options:
option will also cover noadirtime
, so no need to include this.
When working with EXT file systems, set the noatime
mount option for Oracle and Hadoop systems.
Linux records information about when files were created, last modified and when it was last accessed. There is a cost associated with recording the last access time. The EXT file system has an attribute that allows you to disable marking individual files such that their last access time is not recorded. This can lead to significant performance improvements on often accessed frequently changing files such as the contents of the /var/spool/news directory.
The below filesystem mount options will also affect performance. noatime
will prevent excessive writes for file (and directory) by disabling access times- which are not required for certain applications (Oracle/Hadoop).
These file systems do require noatime
/dev/vg0-ora01/ora02 /oravl02 ext4 defaults,noatime 1 2
/dev/vg0-ora01/ora03 /oravl03 ext4 defaults,noatime 1 2
/dev/vg0-ora01/ora04 /oravl04 ext4 defaults,noatime 1 2
These file systems do not require noatime
/dev/vg0-ora01/ora01 /oravl01 ext4 defaults 1 2
/dev/vg0-ora01/oravl97 /oravl97 ext4 defaults 1 2
/dev/vg0-ora01/ora98 /ora98 ext4 defaults 1 2
/dev/vg0-ora01/ora99 /ora99 ext4 defaults 1 2
/dev/vg0-ora01/ora-redoSTB_gA /redoSTB_gA ext4 defaults 1 2
/dev/vg0-ora01/ora-redoSTB_gB /redoSTB_gB ext4 defaults 1 2
/dev/vg0-ora01/ora-redoSTB_gC /redoSTB_gC ext4 defaults 1 2
/dev/vg0-ora01/ora-redoSTB_gD /redoSTB_gD ext4 defaults 1 2
/dev/vg0-ora01/ora-redoSTB_gE /redoSTB_gE ext4 defaults 1 2
In this short post we explained how to properly plan out storage for Unix and Unix-like operating systems for administrative control and stability. Be sure to reference OS, APP and DB vendor documentation for file system sizing and tuning guidelines.